Monday, January 28, 2008

Apple Pie 4th of July

This was a great book because of the story’s message and the unique and colorful illustrations. In this book a young girl is upset by the fact that her parents are working on the fourth of July holiday and on top of that they are cooking and eating Chinese food on this American celebration. The young girl frets over this issue during the story but at the end when customers come into the store one after another to buy and eat their Chinese food she realizes that it is ok to celebrate an American tradition with Chinese cuisine. The book can help young readers to learn about cultural differences and how to accept and embrace them. The colorful and bold illustrations will keep readers entranced with the story and also allow a different interpretation of the story than if just the text alone was read.

Wong, Janet S. Apple Pie 4th of July. Illus. Margaret Chodos-Irvine. Orlando FL: Voyager BooksHarcourt, Inc., 2002.

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